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Главная » 2024 » Август » 4 » Happy Birthday, Dear Barack Obama!
Happy Birthday, Dear Barack Obama!
Happy Birthday, Dear Barack Obama!

Fourty fourth, Fourty fourth,
President' f USA
"He's the best in the Earth",-
In the world all so say!

So is that! In Cabana
Beauty name of Obama
Every says only glad:
"He's sun bright and red!"

Every day, Everywhere
Any way, any sphere
Fourty fourth President
Is enough excellent!

In the State Alabama
People pride of Obama!
And they pride in Manila!
Every town and villa,
All of him only say
And they dream do the way
In Chicago to Centre
Of Obamas to enter!

To Chicago from Maine
Goes qwicly the train
With one word, only one -
Ecology! So nice eco-park
With lakes blue, so blue dark!
With the smile, as sun,
So smile Michel's brings all luck!

First of all, in Lorraine
Every day and again
Think about Obama, as wye!
He is so well known, but why?
It is so, indeed:
He is reading and read
Every day, every hour, minute!
As xebec he is qwick!
All the books large and thick
He remembers all books for the minute!
All the problems he wrings!
He enjoying so brings!
That's because, that's because
We today send, of cause,
Modest letter as modest the rill?
Our frendship's as hill
And's cleaner than rime!
With great favor we wrote this rhyme!

Many happy returns, many happy returns
August, fourth! And? The pretty Birthday!
Centre Obamas from stones,
Precious honesty stones,
For the road of glory they lay!

The freinds from Saint Petersburg

4.08.2024 year
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